Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Roping Up, Beachbody Style!

I remember during my Girl Scout days a trip to a rock climbing gym. We were all eager to grab the hand holds and teased each other as to who'd be the first to reach the top and were buzzing as the instructor came to greet us and send us on our way up to the "Summit". Well, not exactly. First we had to be shown the fundamentals of rope safety, knot tying and proper rope management not to mention how to properly put on the harness. You can imagine the air leaving the happiness balloon as time dragged by...I don't even remember climbing the wall. I'm not sure who if anybody got to the top. What I do remember is the fact that anybody who wanted to climb that wall, or hill, or mountain in real life had to be proficient in all those skills but most especially in the skills of manning the rope which held your climbing buddy as he or she ascended. While some choose to climb alone the vast majority of attempts are made with at least two people linked together with safety rope to ensure that if one were to fall the other(s) might have a chance to self arrest and save that person and the entire team from further danger. 

There are many reasons for individuality in sports and fitness, and there are always a few exceptional people who can take on any challenge unassisted and prevail. But for the vast majority of us, a social network and support system greatly increases our chances for success. Working out with friends is a start, but actually belonging to an organized group of fitness "climbers" is so important to avoiding the crevasses that can end a fitness effort it cannot be overstated. You all become linked, tied together, and when one begins to falter the others rally and pull him or her up and with genuine camaraderie reassure that person they are doing fine and to keep pushing forward. Reaching the summit becomes almost secondary to just being part of the ascent. Just being part of the climbing effort.

As you begin your fitness program remember to check you equipment carefully. Desire is not enough. Find a community of like minded adventurers, hook onto their rope, and become a part their team.

We, your friends in the Beachbody fitness community eagerly want to welcome you to our team.

Climbing? I'm on belay.

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