Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Fitness Buffet

No one walks into a supermarket with the obligation that they must eat the entire store. Similarly, when one visits a local bookseller they don't expect to read every single copy the store sells. Instead, we sample from the choices, select a combination of things we NEED and would LIKE to have and derive enjoyment and satisfaction from the experience. 

At some point in our fitness program we need to adopt a similar outlook.There are dozens of paths to fitness and hundreds of exercises to choose from, and we should approach them all as we approach the many other pleasurable activities in life. Remember, our fitness strategy is a long term commitment and must be freshened up and spiced up every so often. We shouldn't view the inventory of workouts we have as a college course in fitness but rather a library, a resource, a fountain of youth that we can now sample at our leisure thanks to the insights  and skills we have acquired. Variety in moderation will help to ensure a healthy mental outlook and avoid the inevitable burnout that comes from unnecessarily burdening ourselves with numbers and quantities.

Treat your body to a "fitness buffet", and it will reward you in ways you never imagined 
without the morning-after regrets!

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