Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 3 after surgery- 3/1/2010- Quick Update

So a quick update... I've done some light stretching and very light yoga to keep blood and oxygen flowing to assist in the healing process.  In addition, I've been singing! Yes, singing!

So when you're under anesthesia, especially for as long as I was under (5 hours), all of the chest muscles, lungs, and diaphram are very sore.  This is, because the respirator they have you on makes you have very short breaths.  Also, the surgeon filled by abdomen up with gas during the surgery and fluid afterwards to assist in the healing process; this makes for some discomfort, bloating, and pressure on my diaphram, making it difficult to breathe.

Soooooo, what to do? Well, I've drawn on my P90X Yoga X and other Beachbody Yoga experiences and practiced a bunch of breathing and light stretching to not only facilitate oxygen and blood flow but also help stretch and expand all of my chest muscles.  This has helped a lot.  In addition, starting yesterday, I started singing along with my iTunes! Yep, you heard me right! It's pretty amazing how much you use your abdominal muscles for EVERYTHING, including talking... and singing! Based on where my incisions are, singing has actually helped me practice my breathing control and light abdominal muscle control and "exercise".  Now, I'm not talking anything fancy... I'm just talking about singing along to my iTunes in the car and around the house.  My chest has relaxed, and it actually is what helped me be able to lay flat in bed last night.

Til next time!

One day closer to Beachbody...

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