Saturday, March 20, 2010

"Drink yer water people!"

Few people aren't aware of the importance of water to our daily health and wellness. It's so important that even one extra glass of water a day can restore energy levels when we feel we are losing steam for no apparent reason. But many of us may be unaware that water on it's own will not provide the needed supplements to maintain a successful and productive workout schedule. Our bodies need fuel in the right proportions and at the right time. I am reminded of the picture of Michael Phelps downing a package of Carnation Instant Breakfast before a race. 
Now I'm not suggesting we all begin consuming large quantities of that particular product! But I am suggesting that everyone who wants to perform their best and do so multiple times during the day needs to pay attention to what they drink and when they drink it. A little research and a little experimentation on an individual basis is necessary but from my experience I can throw out a few suggestions to start the discussion.
During the workout I found a good quality energy drink like Cytomax Performance (available at GNC or Amazon) helped my stamina and decreased soreness and fatigue the next day. I usually follow that up with an after workout drink like the P90X Peformance drink. The difference here is the additional protein component which I like because it keeps me near the 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight ratio that's beneficial when training. I could mention many other brands and even suggest chocolate milk after a workout as some studies have experiented with.  (I personally really like use something like Cytomax during a hard cardio workout and P90X Results and Recovery Drink afterwards, and P90X Results and Recovery Drink during and after resistance workouts.  By using these, I don't really have to worry about consuming sugar as I would with other drinks.)

But the bottom line is this: If you want to work hard, recover quickly, and be able to work hard again you need to explore these additives and incorporate them into your program. At the very least the consumtpion of these drinks might indirectly force you to consume more water than you'd do if left on your own, and you'll reap those benefits along the way!

So, as Tony Horton says, "Drink yer water people!" 

But make sure you're not leaving out what your body needs and letting your performance go down the drain.

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