Thursday, March 18, 2010


Time flies when you're having fun and the same can be true of our daily workouts. Your fitness journey is a very personal one and along the way it will be changed and adapted to your own needs and personality. But leave room for a bit of camaraderie! Successfully working out requires lots of individualized ingredients to be sure but treat yourself to a workout with a buddy or, in the case of P90X, the WOWY "gym". Sharing the experience with a friend is not only rewarding but will improve performance in both of you free of charge.  You will naturally challenge push and encourage each other without saying a word and the results will be immediate . Before you know it  the time has blown by leaving you wondering  how you did so many reps and how you got so ripped!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Annie so weird how your posts the past couple nights have corresponded so much to what I just did at the gym! I worked out with a friend tonight and it is soo true! The time went by so quickly I couldn't believe we started at 7:30 and ended at 9pm! And my friend and I were just saying how working out together is so much better because you challenge yourself and go beyond your comfort zone and achieve or reach goals you never thought you could on your own. For example, we did a burn out push up series tonight at the end of our workout. We started with 5 push ups, then rest for a min, then do 10 rest of a min, 15 rest for a min, 20 rest for a min, 25 rest for a min. Let me tell you, burn burn burn!! To be honest I don't think I would have been able to push myself and do that much in the time frame with the buddy motivation!
