Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 5 after surgery- Yoga day!

Today I did Beachbody Ho Ala ke Kino Yoga! "What is that???" Though P90X has been my core Beachbody workout that has gotten me into the best, most ripped shape I've ever been, there are several other Beachbody products that have their own value for different fitness goals.  Ho Ala ke Kino Yoga is a 30-minute workout with stretching, lots of burning leg work, and a series of vinyasas from warrior one through right-angle pose.  During the vinyasas, when you do Yoga with Tony Horton, you'll do pushups between every plank and upward and downward dog position.  I can't do pushups in the plank position yet... being only Day 5... but I can do them on my knees. So I could hold plank, then I'd place my knees on the ground, do my pushup, and go into either upward or downward dog.  By the end, blood was flowing, I was breathing really full and deep, I felt great from my accomplishment, and I was also tired. It was time for a break... I rested on the couch for about an hour before my dad, Chuck, and I went out to dinner together.  We went to our favorite Italian restaurant in Pittsburgh and among the dishes we ordered, I ate these steamed muscles with garlic that is absolutely to die for! Mmmmm.... my mouth is watering thinking about it....

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

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